What is a Student Regent?

The student regent is a non-voting participant on the 校董会 representing the students of Texas Southern University. The student regent serves a one-year term. While technically not a member of the 校董会, a student regent does have the same powers and duties as the members of the 校董会, with the exception of voting, making or seconding motions, and being counted to determine a quorum.



To the best of the student regent’s ability, the student regent represents the interests of the students, 大学, 以及德克萨斯州. The student regents may serve on special commissions, 任务部队, and committees during the student regent’s term and participate in required Regent activities, including orientation sessions conducted by the 总督办公室 and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The student regent works with the student government on campus as well as with faculty, 工作人员, and representative student organizations.